
Foxin night light
Foxin night light

foxin night light

That too is a national embarrassment and worst of all, for you the American consumer, all of us are paying - well, about a buck more a gallon for gasoline.

foxin night light

And now, he's begging and pleading with OPEC and Russia to produce more energy. He ended Trump's energy independence policies.Ī year ago, this country was a net exporter of energy and energy independent. He blocked oil exploration on federal lands. The average American family because of your policies is now spending five thousand dollars more this year because of your inflation tax.īiden shut down the Keystone exile pipeline, but he did green light Putin's pipeline, the Nord Stream 2 pipeline to Europe. So what did Joe do over the past year? Okay, Joe, true, you spent so much money on handouts that inflation is now at a record 40-year high while the worker shortage remains dire in the country. He also forced NATO members to up their contributions to the military alliance. He bombed the living Adam Schiff out of ISIS and destroyed the caliphate. He oversaw a historic reduction in illegal immigration. He set a record for first year judicial appointments to federal appellate courts. He nominated Neil Gorsuch to the Supreme Court. He opened up oil exploration in ANWR in Alaska. He eliminated more regulations than the last, what, five, eight presidents combined.

foxin night light

He signed what was the biggest tax cut in American history. He repealed the individual mandate and Obamacare. In 2017, President Trump, he signed 117 bills into law, that included dozens of major legislative achievements. Since you asked, Joe, let's take a look at Donald Trump's first year in office, shall we? Look, I didn't overpromise, but I have probably outperformed what anybody thought would happen.Ĭan you think of any other president's done as much in one year? Name one for me. JOE BIDEN, PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: Why are you such an optimist? COVID-19 is still taking the lives of 1,500 Americans every day, and the nation's divisions are just as raw as they were a year ago.ĭid you overpromise to the American public what you could achieve in your first year in office? And how do you plan to course correct going forward? In a few hours from now, the Senate - an effort in the Senate to deal with voting rights and voting reform legislation is going to fail. Your signature domestic legislation is stalled in Congress.

foxin night light

We'll show you President Trump's initial reaction as well.īut we begin with perhaps the biggest lie of the day and that is despite major crises on multiple fronts and an all-time low approval rating at 33 percent, Joe Biden just proudly announced that his administration has exceeded all expectations. The great one Mark Levin, we'll get his take, and Greg Gutfeld, moments away. Peter Doocy, who just faced off against Biden, will join us again. We'll actually answer one of his dumb rhetorical questions, and we'll tell you how his pathetic rhetoric surrounding Russia and NATO could have potentially explosive and very deadly consequences around the entire globe. We'll call out his election conspiracy theories. Now, tonight, coming up, we're going to fact check his many lies. In what was a blatant attempt to look strong and competent, Joe Biden looked deeply unwell. the substance was an unmitigated disaster that could have ramifications all around the globe. I really did, you know? And that's just the delivery. He is confused especially off prompter.įrankly, knowing the world is watching this, to be honest, I felt humiliation for the country. No doubt he still has lucid moments here and there, but more often than not, Joe is clearly lost. In fact, it was the longest, frankly most painful even embarrassing presser I've ever witnessed. And as expected, it did not go well at all. And thank you, Tucker, and welcome to HANNITY.Īnd after days and days and days of resting, studying, prepping, Joe Biden finally trotted out to the podium for just the second solo press conference ever as president.

Foxin night light